Beipmu Triggers

From LiberationMUSH Wiki

BeipMu Triggers

BeipMu triggers can be used for many things, this guide will only cover a couple of versions, which are mainly used to help reduce non-RP spam in the main window. This makes logging easier and creates a cleaner RP window, while keeping pages, alerts and channels accessible.

Channel Spawn Tabs

This trigger will create a new window (Which can be moved, resized, docked etc.) inside which any channel talk will be sent. Channels will be separated by name into tabs, so all your Public channel will be in one tab, all Newbie channel in another tab etc.

To create this trigger begin by going to Options>Triggers This image demonstrates how it should look when you're done setting it up:

Step 1: Scroll down in the samples window bottom left, drag and drop the Channel Spawn Tabs onto your Liberation server.

Step 2: Paste this line into the matcharoo: ^\[(?!N?-)(?!\d)([^\]]+)\] (note: does not match image)

Everything else should be set already. You're good to go.

Pages and Other Bits Spawn Window:

This trigger will create a new window which will contain any game announcements, pages, mail alerts etc. Combined with the above trigger this will remove everything except poses and ooc chat from your main window. This does not separate into tabs, but puts everything into a single scrolling window. If you would prefer tabbed page spawn like channels, contact Spade on the game and I'll walk you through setting that up. Briefly it is the same as the channel spawns above, but the matcharoo is set for all the page syntax.

Start in Options>Triggers then copy the previous Channel Spawn Tabs that we have set up. Change the name to Pages and Other Stuff (or any name you like), then set it up to appear as in the image below:

Step 1: Copy the Channel Spawn Tab and rename whatever you wish

Step 2: Set the Matcharoo string to: ^(\(To: |Announcement:|.+ pages:|.+ From afar,|From afar,|You paged|Long distance to|MAIL: You have a new|BBS: New BB message|Idle message from) .+

That's it, you're done. Your BeipMu main window is now free of most non-RP, except OOC as that is often used during RP for plot questions and the like. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Spade on the mush by page or @mail.