Experience Costs

From LiberationMUSH Wiki
General Experience Costs
Trait Cost
Attribute Current rating x 4
New Ability 3
Ability Current rating x 2
Background 5 per dot (HR)
Merit 5 per dot (HR)
Willpower 10 per dot (HR)

Changeling Experience Costs
Trait Cost
Art Current rating x 4
New Art 7
Realm Current rating x 3
New Realm 5
Glamour Current rating x 3

Mage Experience Costs
Trait Cost
New Sphere 10
Affinity Sphere Current rating x 7
Other Sphere Current rating x 8
Arete Current rating x 8
Special Advantages 5 per dot (HR)
Charms 5 per dot (HR)

Vampire Experience Costs
Trait Cost
New Discipline 10
New Path (Necromancy or Thaumaturgy) 7
Clan Discipline Current rating x 5*
Other Discipline Current rating x 7*
Secondary Path (Necromancy or Thaumaturgy) Current rating x 4
Virtue Current rating x 2**
Humanity or Path of Enlightenment Current rating x 2
* Caitiff have no Clan-based Disciplines, the cost of raising all Disciplines is the current rating x 6.
** Increasing a Virtue through experience does not increase Traits based on that Virtue (Humanity, Path, Willpower).

Werewolf Experience Costs
Trait Cost
Gift Level of Gift x 3
Gift from other breed/auspice/tribe Level of Gift x 5
Rage Current rating
Gnosis Current rating x 2
Totem (Background) 2 per dot (HR)
Rites (background) https://liberationmush.site/s/werewolf/house-rules/3/#Learning_Rites
Renown https://liberationmush.site/game-lines/werewolf/house-rules/

Wraith Experience Costs
Trait Cost
New Arcanos 7
Arcanos Current rating x 3
New Passion 3
Passion Current rating x 3
New Fetter Desired rating x 3
Fetter Current rating x 3
New Background 4
Background Current rating x 3
Pathos Current rating x 3 (MAX of 10)
Thorns Original Thorn cost
Angst Current rating
New Dark Passion 2
Dark Passion Current rating x 2