Character Creation

  • +selfsplat Mortal
  • +selfstat Concept=<2-3 word concept>
  • +selfstat Birthdate=<birthdate>
  • +selfstat Nature=<Nature Archetype>
  • +selfstat Demeanor=<Demeanor Archetype>
  • +selfstat Full Name=<Your full, legal name
  • +selfstat/type 1=<Human, Medium, Sorcerer or Psychic>
  • Select Attributes, prioritizing Physical, Social and Mental to allocate (6/4/3) dots.
    • Example: +selfstat Charisma=3 would set your Charisma to 3.
  • Select Abilities, prioritizing Talents, Skills and Knowledges to allocate (13/9/5) dots.
    • Type +sheet to see all Abilities and Secondary Abilities.
    • GENERAL HOUSE RULE: All Abilities and Secondary Abilities cost the same to raise, and may not be raised past 3 at character creation except with freebie points (see below).
    • Example: +selfstat Expression=2 would set your Expression to 2.
  • Choose Backgrounds (5 points)
  • Record Willpower: +selfstat Willpower=3
    • Mortal PCs begin with Willpower 3
  • Spend freebie points (21)
    • Meritscost 1 freebie point per dot.
      • GENERAL HOUSE RULE: You might qualify for a free Language Merit dot: (+bbread 2/11 – and also see +selflang)
    • Flaws give 1 freebie point per dot.
    • Attributes cost 5 freebie points per dot.
    • GENERAL HOUSE RULE: All Abilities & Secondary Abilities cost 1 freebie point per dot, up until level 3. They cost 2 freebie points per dot to raise above 3.
    • Backgrounds cost 1 freebie point per dot.
    • GENERAL HOUSE RULE: Willpower costs 2 freebie points per dot, and may not be raised in chargen more than three dots above your starting Willpower rating.
  • Spend Tier & Age XP
    • Depending on the nature of your application, and whether you are applying for an incentivized PC or a leadership feature, you might be able to buy additional stats with Tier XP in Chargen, which doesn’t count against your eventual softcap.
    • Use +selfstat to set these XP purchases the same as above, and make a +note recording your spends, as described below.
    • GENERAL HOUSE RULE: Willpower costs a flat 10 XP per dot to raise.
    • GENERAL HOUSE RULE: Backgrounds and Merits cost a flat 5 XP per dot to purchase.
  • Begin setting up your +notes (see +help notes). Here are a few examples that most players will have:
    • +note/story me/Backstory=<Your character’s backstory>
    • Please stop writing your backstory when you’re no longer having fun with it. If your own character’s backstory is boring even to you, imagine how boring it will be to someone else reading it.
    • +note/backgrounds me/<Background>=<Any background that needs explanation, like Fetish, Allies or Contacts.>
    • +note/merits me/<Merit name>=<A description of any Merit that needs further explaining or justification.>
    • +note/flaws me/<Flaw name>=<A description of any Flaw that needs further explaining, such as Enemy.>
    • +note/general me/Freebies=<What you spent your freebie points on>
    • +note/general me/Tier XP=<A record of how you spent any Tier XP that you were granted in chargen.>
    • You will also have to +note various things related to our game’s house ruled specialties and influence system. This is not a prerequisite of being approved. It is merely a prerequisite for benefiting from the game’s Influence and Specialties system.
  • Finally, consider setting your +finger (+help +finger) and descriptions (+help +mdesc). Your description can also can be set with @desc me=<description> if mdesc is too scary.